



Dear [ employee's name],

We regret to inform you that your employment is being terminated, effective from [ date]. This decision was reached after the completion of a full internal disciplinary process. The conclusions from this process were as follows:

[ example: Inadequate performance unresponsive to corrective actions]

Upon termination, all benefits associated with this position will cease to be valid. You are requested to return [ state all property that must be returned: company car, computer, keys etc.] before [date] to the Human Resources department.

Please keep in mind that you are bound by our confidentiality policy. Any information that was received during the course of your work, regarding our customers, company, partners etc. must not be disclosed to any party. Such information must also be deleted from all personal devices. In addition, you have signed a [example: non-solicitation clause] as part of your employment contract. This binds you until the date specified.

You are entitled to your salary up until the [ date]. Severance pay will amount to …… and will be paid on [date]. You are also entitled to [state any other compensation or details of payments or benefits].

This decision is non-reversible. We advise you to refer to our disciplinary action policy. If you have questions or would like any clarification, the Human Resources department remains at your disposal for up to [ three] working days after your last day of employment.

Yours sincerely



我们很遗憾地通知您,您的工作将要从[日期]终止。 这个决定是经过一个完整的内部纪律程序才达成的,结论如下:


工作终止后,与该职位相关的所有权益将不再有效。 请在[日期]之前将[所有必须归还的财产:公司汽车,计算机,钥匙等]退还给人力资源部门。

请记住,你受我们的保密政策约束。 在工作中遇到的关于我们公司的客户,公司,合作伙伴等的信息都不得向任何一方披露,并且必须从所有个人设备中删除。 此外,您已经签署了一个[示例:非邀约条款]作为您的雇佣合同的一部分,该部分持续到指定的日期。

在[日期]之前,您有权获得工资。 补贴金大约......并将在[日期]支付。 您也有权[说明任何其他赔偿或付款或利益细节]。

这个决定是不可撤回的, 我们建议您参考我们的纪律处分政策。 如果您有任何问题或需要澄清,人力资源部门会在您最后一个工作日之后的三个工作日内为您服务。




关于我们 客服电话  400-111-9333 工作时间  8:00-22:00